Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Summary: Victor Bloede

Victor G. Bloede
Catonsville Baltimore County

Baltimore Countian Victor G. Bloede was noted as a chemist; among his 20 plus patents are creation of aniline dyes (called Sunfast), and postage stamp glue. These inventions almost pale in comparison when mentioned along with his other achievements:

-Graduate of Cooper Union at 18 with degree in chemical engineering and associate of Peter Cooper (the "Tom Thumb")

-Contemporary of Thomas Edison and executives of Standard Oil and member of the turn of the century cult of invention in the US

-Winner of the Republique Francaise Medal, Paris 1889, the World Columbian Exposition Medal Chicago, 1893, the Franklin Institute Medal 1894, Peter Cooper Medal for Significant Contribution to Chemical Research 1918 and Cooper Union Award for Assistance to the Blind and Afflicted

-National pioneer in construction technology

-Who's Who in American 1925

-But most important to us he built or caused to be built:

Bloede Dam (power generating) – on the Patapsco; first of its kind in nation with reinforced concrete and with underwater hydrological plant housed in metal plating from Poole and Hunt who made plates for the Capitol Dome. (By comparison Conowingo Dam was not built until 1928.)

Patapsco Electric and Manufacturing Co using power from the dam to bring electricity to the area

            Catonsville and Ellicott City Electric RR 1899

These creations are representative of the means by which Baltimore City could be accessed; opened the door to the expansion of the suburbs with the introduction of municipal comforts as was transpiring in other urban areas. This is a time when no other company or government would extend these facilities.

1st National Bank of Catonsville – 1897 along with John Glenn of Hilton and Dr. Charles MacGill regimental surgeon to the Stonewall Brigade. (the 1902 building still stands in Catonsville)

Avalon Water Works 1906

Maria Bloede Building part of Eudowood Sanitarium

Eden Terrace Water Co. – pumping station and water from Caton Springs with a water wheel powered by steam

- But further he was a man of compassion, intellect and civic activism:

Supporter and signatory to a letter for President Grant along with Horace Greeley, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Peter Cooper

Provider of a form of workman's compensation before any such assistance was used

            Assured that citizens had local banking opportunities

Frequent contributor to the Sun

Author of The Reducers an innovative work on recycling photographic wastes/      toxins

Member of the Maryland Fifth Regiment Reserve Corps (the famous "Dandy Fifth")

Member of the 6th International Congress on Tuberculosis along with B. Griswold, Governor George Brown, Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte, Mayor Barry Mahool, Cardinal Gibbons, Dr. JMT Finney and Daniel Gilman

Victor Bloede was a chemical engineer, entrepreneur, banker, innovator, construction genius, benefactor, businessman, award winner, philanthropist, catalyst and a dedicated citizen of Baltimore County.

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